DWMC on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)


The Purpose of the DWMC is to inspire and empower ALL women as architects of equity and progressive social change. 

As a volunteer organization, we create opportunities for our members to interact, to participate, and to educate our community on key political and social issues.  We champion Democratic candidates and causes with an emphasis on women and gender equity. 

With a commitment to be a voice for equity and choice, we incorporate the lens of DEI in all aspects of DWMC.

DWMC connects, collaborates, and networks with individuals and organizations that are in alignment with the DWMC Vision and Mission in order to create a more diverse, inclusive and equitable membership base, Board of Directors, and community.

We do this by:

  • Hosting events that are issue based and are in alignment with our platform and committee’s goals and create a more inclusive and just world at the local, national, and international levels;

  • Providing information, workshops, and trainings that relate to promoting DWMC’s goals, vision, mission, and platform;

  • Reaching out to and engaging with different sectors of society such as: education, arts, housing, healthcare, environmental justice, water and natural resource conservation, financial and economic, business. 

Come join us!