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Update on Women's Reproductive Rights with Stacy Cross


Update on Women's Reproductive Rights and Health Care
Stacy Cross


Join the DWMC for our upcoming luncheon on Thursday, February 27th.

Our featured speaker will be Stacy Cross, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (PPMM). She will provide an overview of the current challenges, goals and strategies to ensure access to vital health services, research, advocacy and community education efforts.


Stacy Cross is a seasoned health care executive with over thirty years of executive and board leadership and entrepreneurial skills in sexual and reproductive health, pharmaceuticals, wellness, and management.

Since 2017, Stacy has been CEO of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country with 34 health centers throughout half the counties in California and the only abortion provider in northern Nevada. Under her leadership, PPMM provides over 300,000 total patient visits with revenues of $145 million. With PPMM’s extensive education, research, and advocacy programs, PPMM programs reached nearly 300,000 unique individuals. Stacy also serves as CEO of Planned Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte.

Previously, Stacy served as President & CEO of two other Planned Parenthood affiliates in Oregon, southwest Washington, and Montana for a total of 18 years. Before that, Stacy led wellness programs for a hospital system in Florida.

Stacy has a very personal commitment to Planned Parenthood’s mission of ensuring reproductive rights and access to health care for all. Both of her grandmothers died far too young – one was only 19 – because they did not have access to effective birth control or safe preventive health care.

She has served on many national committees for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and within California and Nevada. She holds an MBA from the University of Montana and a Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Services from the University of North Florida. Stacy is a mother of five adult children and an avid marathon runner.

Stacy is leading PPMM at a critical time in the organization’s history, protecting health care access for PPMM’s communities and patients – many of whom live at or below the federal poverty level -- even as those rights and services are under constant attack in the current political climate.