Candidates for
City Council & Mayor

Below are the candidates’ statements (not to exceed 100 words), explanation of why they are seeking the DWMC Endorsement, and link to their candidate website.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

In cases where there are two or more candidates seeking the same seat as well as seeking the DWMC endorsement, we have interviewed the candidates. Each interview was conducted separately. Candidates were not given the questions in advance.


** PLEASE NOTE: Candidates Statements which exceeded the 100-word limit submission requirement were shortened by putting a stop at that limit while doing our best to allow for the completion of the thought. The remaining additional words have not been included and have been replaced by an ellipse (…).


Carmel-By-The-Sea Mayoral
(select one or no endorsement)


Watch the video interview with the candidates below.


Candidate: Jeff Baron

Carmel-By-The-Sea City Council

Candidate Statement

I believe in the principles of the Democratic Party, and I have used my political capital in Carmel to advocate for policies that benefit people: compliance with state housing laws via new housing that is built to be inhabited rather than accumulated as additional square footage; climate policies that reduce congestion and carbon footprints; and the establishment of a vacancy tax on unoccupied homes in order to marginally discourage second homeownership and to offset the cost of providing replacement housing. I will continue to press for these policies in my community, and am hopeful that I will be successful.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the DWMC endorsement because I believe in the principles that on which the Democratic Party and the DWMC are based – that people matter and that vulnerable, disadvantaged, and historically marginalized groups need advocates. When I selected my five platform principles for my Monterey Country Democrats endorsement application, here is what I wrote: “I selected Education, Equality of Rights and Opportunity, Labor Economic Justice, Poverty Elimination, and Affordable Housing, and Women because above all, I strongly believe that it is the role of government to help people, especially those that have been traditionally underserved, marginalized or discriminated against. These four items (as well as a few others) represent that belief.

I selected Sustainable Communities because it represents the government’s role in protecting all of us from the effects of climate change, and more than any of the other items, represents the leadership role that government should play in moving society and the world towards a better place.


Candidate (Incumbent): Dave Potter

Carmel-by-the-Sea Mayor

Candidate Statement

Thank you for the privilege of serving as Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea. Together, we have accomplished a great deal and I will always be dedicated to this community.

These have been unprecedented times. Since taking office, we traversed in and out of a pandemic. We pivoted and were nimble and creative as we figured out ways to keep our community safe and our economy strong.

Now, on the other side, we are revitalizing our community and investing in deferred infrastructure projects like the police station -preserving our heritage and character while maintaining our fiscal responsibility of a balanced budget… **

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

My wife and I have participated with your organization for years and applaud the incredible work you do in the community. I am a lifelong Democrat, am honored to be a public servant, and as Mayor, we have accomplished a great deal for the City, including traversing in and out of a pandemic! I agree with and uphold the DWMC values as expressed in your platform, and I would be honored by the endorsement of the DWMC.


Del Rey Oaks City Council
(select yes or no on endorsement)


Candidate (incumbent): Kim Shirley

College Instructor, Monterey Peninsula College
Del Rey Oaks City Council

Candidate Statement

There is much to be proud of in my four years as a council member. I initiated the raising of our Pride flag, helped bring the core value of “Diversity and Inclusiveness” to Del Rey Oaks, and made sure to always be transparent in my regional work by writing council reports for every agenda packet. I successfully ran the campaign to defeat Measure B which would have put an end to FORTAG in Del Rey Oaks. I also brought two ordinances that prevent smoking in public places and in multi-unit housing to the council which were approved.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I have such great respect for the Democratic Women’s group and I strongly align with all of the stated values. I was honored to receive the DWMC endorsement in 2020 and I would be very proud to have this endorsement in 2024. Also, in Del Rey Oaks, we’re about two-thirds Democrats. We have many young people moving into the City and I believe that being endorsed by the Democratic Women would hold weight with our younger, more progressive voters.



Greenfield City Council, District 1
(select yes or no on endorsement)


Candidate: Belen Garcia 

Retired Teacher/Principal

Candidate Statement

Our youth depend on adults to make decisions that promote great opportunities for them today and their future. My parents were hard-working Farm Laborers who served many people of this community. They instilled in us to get an education, take care of our jobs, to take care of the children and serve our community. I am a retired teacher/principal after 34 years of service and still want to serve. I appreciate what was given to me. Being a Councilmember of District 1 can be a way to give back. Onward! Adelante!

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

There are situations when standing alone shows courage. There are times when standing with others portrays STRENGTH. An endorsement from DWMC would not just be an honor, it would be powerful. DWMC has an incredible platform that I agree with. How can anyone not be in agreement with the platform? It speaks to Sustainability, Equity, Women's Rights, and something very close to my heart, Family. Thank you for your time in considering my application.

At the time of application this candidate has no website.



Greenfield City Council, District 4
(select yes or no on endorsement)


Candidate: Ariana Rodriguez

College Program Coordinator, Hartnell Community College

Candidate Statement

I am a first-generation college graduate of Hartnell College and the University of California, Santa Cruz with a 20 year career in higher education. I am a lifelong resident of Greenfield raised by parents who worked the surrounding agriculture fields and instilled in me the importance of hardwork and determination. My mission to be an empowered woman, who empowers women starts at home; where my daughters are both college graduates and passionate changemakers.

I hope to continue my effort to affect positive change in my community and foster a sense of safety, support, growth and unity for residents.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I have been a registered democrat since I turned 18. My democratic values are deep rooted and I have instilled in my daughters that women must get involved in the political arena in order to ensure our voice is counted. It has always been important to me to support Democratic candidates in our elections because I believe in the mission of helping my fellow Democrats fill official positions in order to create the changes we want to see in our communities. I am now seeking the support of the DWMC because I wear the title of Democratic Woman proudly and would be honored to have the support of the organization that advances my own values.

At the time of application this candidate does not have a website.



Marina City Council, District 3
(select one or no endorsement)

Watch the video interviews below.


Candidate (Incumbent): Jenny McAdams

Director of Operations, Monterey County Business Council

Candidate Statement

I am a mom, renter, businesswoman, and Marina City Councilmember, deeply committed to our community. Serving District 3 with integrity, I strive to ensure safe neighborhoods, exceptional city services, and affordable housing. My focus extends to safeguarding our water and natural resources, vital for future generations. With my extensive experience, I advocate for innovative housing solutions while preserving Marina's diverse, vibrant character. With your support, I will continue to fight for the well-being of our residents and the sustainable future of our region.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

No Response



Candidate: Michael Moeller

Respiratory Care Practitioner, County of Santa Clara

Candidate Statement

As a committed Marina resident, I have had the privilege of being deeply involved in our local community. My volunteer work with organizations such as Friends of Marina Parks, the Marina Tree and Garden Club, Citizens for Sustainable Marina, Friends of Marina Library, Marina in Motion, and the Marina Chamber of Commerce has only deepened my passion for making our city a better place to live, work, and thrive for everyone.

Why are you seeKing the DWMC Endorsement?

This endorsement is meaningful to me as it aligns with my dedication to supporting women’s issues, equality, and progressive values. It strengthens my commitment to fostering diversity, inclusivity, and the well-being of every member of our community.



Monterey Mayoral Candidate:
(select yes or no, should the DWMC recommend)

Please note, due to the Hatch Act, Tyller Williamson cannot apply for our endorsement. As such, your vote will be a recommendation rather than an endorsement. The information below was taken from his website. It may be important to note that his only competitor is a Registered Republican.

Candidate (Incumbent): Tyller Williamson

Human Resource Specialist, Department of Veteran Affairs
Mayor of Monterey

About Tyller Williamson

(From his website). It is a pivotal moment for our region. Elected officials must make critical decisions impacting the long-term sustainability of our community. Through my previous experiences as a committee member on the Architectural Review Committee, and Chair of the Monterey County Housing Advisory Committee, I have seen firsthand the difference an active community makes. I have fought for public control of our utilities, including our water and energy supply, but lasting change requires persistent and sustained efforts of an engaged community. I’m running for re-election as Mayor to continue bringing new ideas and fresh perspectives to our city. Together, we can ensure that our city government works for everyone.”

Tyller’s Engagement with the DWMC

Over the years, Tyller has attended many DWMC educational events. He has also been a DWMC guest speaker.



Monterey City Council, District 3
(select one or no endorsement)

Watch the video interviews below.


Candidate: Eric Palmer

Senior Communications Coordinator, ReGen Monterey (Monterey Regional Waste Management District)

Candidate Statement

I’m grateful to have lived on the Monterey Peninsula for over twenty years. I’m raising a young family and I’ve served the community for my entire career. As a city commissioner and 17-year public information officer, I’ve gained a comprehensive education on city and regional governance. I want my kids to grow up in a community that supports working families. As my top priority, I will push for expanding affordable housing and childcare, and rental assistance programs that prevent the displacement of families and frontline workers. Thank you for supporting and entrusting me with this important responsibility and privilege.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

An endorsement from the DWMC is trusted and valued by many voters in our community. That is because of DWMC’s stellar reputation of successfully electing quality candidates and bringing more diversity to elected councils and boards. The board and membership are also made up of many leaders that I aspire to be like if I get the privilege of getting elected. I would be very honored to receive this valuable vote of confidence from so many women that I admire. I appreciate DWMC’s longtime support for family policies and equal representation in government. As a longtime staff member at Monterey City Hall and a longtime Monterey County resident, I’ve rarely seen representation from working-class parents on regional councils and boards. The Monterey City Council will benefit from the perspective of a working parent to a 4- and 7-year-old, a community engagement professional, and 17-year public servant at various local government agencies (City of Monterey, CSU Monterey Bay, Monterey County Office of Education and ReGen Monterey).



Candidate: Jean Rastetter Rasch

Attorney at Law, Retired

Candidate Statement

The “Citizens of Monterey” are at the top of the City of Monterey Organizational Chart. (Monterey-Org-Chart.pdf) I will remind the Council of this throughout my term, should I be honored with election. I have served nine years on the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program (two as vice chair) and twelve on the board of the Monterey Vista Neighborhood Association (the last three as president). I am a tried-and-true workhorse poised to continue advocacy for my neighbors. I will listen and consider all sides, reflecting my disciplined legal training and practice. I will be available to hear constituents’ views.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

DW-MC is the most significant endorsement possible for my election. DW-MC members are the leaders of the Democratic movement in the county. They are the leaders of their communities. They understand what true inclusion, transparency, and accountability is; that it’s not trading one form of discrimination for another, that it’s not about ignoring your base, that it’s not about leaving people out of the political dialogue... but it’s about building community, acknowledging community, sustaining community and empowering community within a belief that we are all better and stronger by listening, learning and working together, most especially after election.



Monterey City Council, District 4
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate (incumbent): Gene “Gino” Garcia

Transportation Planner, Ecology Action
Monterey City Council, District 4

Candidate Statement

I am dedicated to amplifying the voices of our diverse community. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and years of experience in fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration, I am committed to ensuring every resident in Monterey has a seat at the table. My academic background has instilled in me a deep understanding and commitment to social justice, which has guided my decisions throughout my appointment to city council. I am dedicated to serving our community and committed to listening to all voices. Together we can Build Monterey’s Tomorrow where everyone has opportunities to thrive.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I humbly request the DWMC endorsement because this support communicates to voters the powerful message that I, as a representative am committed to furthering policy around equity, basic human rights, and continued efforts towards a progressive future for our residents.


Pacific Grove Mayoral
(select one or no endorsement)

Watch the video interviews below.


Candidate: Nick Smith

Attorney at the Law Office of Nicholas W. Smith

candidate statement

As Mayor Pro Tem and Councilmember for eight years, I focused on infrastructure; protecting the environment and coastline; youth recreation; and fiscal stability. As Mayor, I’m determined to prioritize downtown beautification, affordable housing, and complete streets.

I believe in open and transparent dialogue and reasoned debate and will listen to all views. I encourage respectful dialogue on Council. I’m a proud father of three daughters attending Robert Down Elementary, PG Middle, and PG High. I serve on a committee to foster greater partnership between PGUSD and the City. I have the experience, knowledge, and temperament to lead as Mayor.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

The DWMC is a well-known and respected organization locally that shares many of my societal goals and policy values. I have three young daughters and care deeply about the status, safety, and success of women in our community, nationwide, and worldwide.

Further, I support the DWMC platform goals of equity and sustainability in communities. I received the DWMC endorsement in 2020 and would be honored to receive its endorsement of my mayoral campaign this year.


Candidate: Dionne Ybarra

Executive Founding Director and Business Owner, The Wahine Project/ Alma del Mar

Candidate statement

I am a 29 year resident of Pacific Grove, a parent with children ages 9-33. I am an Executive Director and Associate Clinical Social Worker as well as a non-profit founder. I’ve been an active community member advocating for working on political campaigns, human rights and environmental conservation for 25 years. I have served in County Supervisor appointed positions as Chairperson for the Monterey County Civil Rights Office and the Monterey County Commission on the Status of Women as well as Mayor appointed seat for the Recreation Board in Pacific Grove. Born and raised in Monterey County, I will advocate and be a voice for our diverse community…

why are you seeking the DWMC endorsement?

I received your endorsement in 2018 for my previous race. I am seeking an endorsement again because as a Democratic Woman myself I am fully aligned with the values of this club. I also trained with Emerge California that is a training or Democratic Women to train in the ways of the great Democratic Women of this country!



Pacific Grove City Council Candidates:
(select up to three or no endorsements)

Watch the video interviews below.

CANDIDATE (incumbent): Chaps Poduri

Banker, Bank of America


I’d like to continue with the projects that I have started during my time in office and would like to represent the voices that are not heard at the table: the underserved, young families and youth. Pacific Grove needs to be more business and staff friendly and I’d like to make a difference with both those aspects.


I view the DWMC as a body that has gotten its act together in more ways than one. To that end, I appreciate what the DWMC has done for the community and for inspiring women. Other than the fact that my principles match up with what DWMC does, the endorsement would help me with garnering the support of the voter base in town.



Candidate: Tina Rau

Retired, UPS

Candidate Statement

Since the last election, we have been busy.  We purchased a long vacant and crumbling building in downtown, completing tenant improvements, and helping someone start two businesses.

My goals: be guardians of the environment, better collaboration and partnership with the school district, and manage our city in a responsive/responsible manner.  Let’s prioritize our parks and youth recreation department so that the kids that attend our schools have safe and updated recreation activities. 

We need a plan to ensure a strong small business base.  We need to improve our city infrastructure, including sidewalk repair, and a recycled water distribution system.

Why are you seeking the DWMC endorsement?

The DWMC is an organization whose values I identify with.  Personal freedom, democracy, and decency is on the ballot.  I want to help change the policies within Pacific Grove to help regain a democratic majority.  As a member of the LGBTQ+ community I feel I am uniquely qualified to take this on.  



Candidate: Paul Walkingstick

Project Manager, General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)

candidate statement

For over 20 years, I’ve dedicated myself to nature and community. I’ve raised funds to provide free medical care to underserved children, helped enable affordable housing in Reno, and consulted on the MONARCH Act of 2023 to protect our butterflies. Locally, I support reforestation and events at the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History.

At GDIT, I manage projects for Indian Health Services, ensuring quality healthcare for Native communities. My experience spans multi-million-dollar projects and billion-dollar planning. I’m eager to bring my passion and expertise to the PG City Council

why are you seeking the DWMC endorsement?

Women’s rights are under assault like nothing I have seen in my lifetime. I never imagined a day in which Roe vs. Wade would be overturned. For all the women in my life that I love more than my own life – and the girls still too young to understand – I need to do something. I’m not here to ask for your support, as much as I am here to offer you mine. Whatever is needed – please let me know. Even without your endorsement, you have mine.


Salinas Mayoral Candidate:
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Chris Barrera

Business Owner, Real Estate, Windermere Valley Properties

Candidate Statement

Neighbors, my top priority will be cleaning up our city and ensuring our Salinas Police and Fire Departments are properly staffed to better serve our residents. I will work to create a business-friendly atmosphere by improving the permit process, increasing affordable housing options, supporting renters, and expanding recreation programs for youth and seniors. I will address the quality-of-life issues that affect all of us, such as the poor condition of our streets and sidewalks. We will tackle homelessness with compassion and effectiveness. I envision a stronger, united city that uplifts every resident. It's timetoconfront our challengeshead-on…

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I believe and support the rights and equality of all women in every aspect of our society. 



Salinas City Council District 1
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Alex Ayala

Business Owner, J1 Construction

Candidate Statement

As a family man, business owner, and community advocate, I understand the challenges facing Salinas. Our city needs affordable housing, safer streets, and well-maintained public spaces. As a Little League coach, I’m committed to mentoring our youth and ensuring equality and opportunity for all. I’m not a politician funded by special interests—my focus is solely on the residents of District 1. With a background in political science and law enforcement, I bring a balanced perspective on public safety.

Together, we can create a thriving, sustainable Salinas that empowers every family and upholds the values of equality and justice.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I believe in the vision and values of the organization.


Salinas City Council District 3
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Cary Swensen

Business owner, Sylvan Learning Center
History Adjunct Instructor at Hartnell College


Candidate Statement

My candidacy for Salinas City Council District 3 is about improving the quality of life for all residents, listening to the needs of residents and workers, and providing services for everyone without favor. I am a small business owner and community college instructor. I am actively involved in community organizations. I have either served or am currently serving in the following clubs or organizations: Rotary, Meals on Wheels, Seeds4STEM, Measure G oversight committee, and the Housing Advisory Committee. I am passionate about making positive changes in our city and ensuring that all residents have a voice in the decision-making process.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the endorsement of the DWMC because I believe in the democrats core values: Sustainability, Equity, Reproductive Freedom and Justice, Women’s Human Rights, Family Policy, Women’s Political Participation, ERA, and the Democratic Party Platforms. This is a crucial election, and we need politicians who will fight for a sustainable and equitable Salinas. There are 5 seats up for election in Salinas and there are about 12 candidates running for the 5 seats. Only 3 women are running, myself, Margaret D’Arrigo and Gloria de la Rosa. We need more women representation on the Salinas City Council; therefore, Democratic Women of Monterey endorsing me as the Candidate for Salinas City Council will send a strong message that we need women on the Salinas City Council.


Salinas City Council District 6
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate (incumbent): Anthony Rocha

City Councilmember

Candidate Statement

I am a proud native of Salinas. I attended our local schools and graduated from Everett Alvarez High School. I obtained an Associate Degree from Hartnell College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz. I previously served our residents as a School Board Member for the Salinas Union High School District. My professional background includes nonprofit grant-writing and program administration. If re-elected to the Salinas City Council, my priorities include securing funding to repair broken roads and sidewalks, expanding programs for youth, investing in neighborhood safety, addressing homelessness, and increasing affordable housing options.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the endorsement of the Democratic Women of Monterey County (DWMC) because I have a deep respect for the work you do. The work of the DWMC extends beyond campaign season, and works year round to educate the community on critical public policy topics. The DWMC highlights important issues facing our community, and engages frontline experts on conversations regarding how to best address these challenges. The DWMC also plays a vital role in being a strong and consistent advocate for Women’s Political Participation, Reproductive Rights and Women’s Human Rights. In addition, to my respect for the work you do, I am seeking your endorsement because I wholeheartedly agree with the DWMC Platform. I would be honored to earn your endorsement as we work together toward creating a more inclusive future that upholds Reproductive Rights, Women’s Human Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights, and the Civil Rights our communities fought for and depend on.



Sand City City Council
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Luke Kilpatrick

Developer Relations Engineer, Harness, Inc.

Candidate statement

I am the father of a 6-year-old daughter. I want my daughter to have the right to make her own choices, about her body, her home and her life.  I have seen the challenges of the costs of raising children and I want to lower it for everyone. I have worked in my career and business to hire and promote Women, pay an equal living wage, and I fully support the equal rights amendment. I want to show my daughter that men and women can work together to achieve equality and there is nothing she cannot do.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the DWMC endorsement to make a better country and world for my 6 year old daughter Mia. Mia wants to be a sea cleaner and to help make the world more sustainable, as her father, I want to show her amazing women and men have worked together to build a better world for her to inherit. I want Mia to have the right to make her own choices, about her body, her home and her life, which the other party does not value. As a single Father, I have seen the challenges of the costs of raising children and I want to work to lower it for everyone. I have worked in my career to promote Women into higher roles in the companies I have worked for and I believe strongly in the equal rights amendment. I want to show my Daughter that men and women can work together to achieve equality and that there is nothing she can not do.


Seaside Mayoral
(select one or no endorsement)

Watch the video interviews below.


Candidate: Karla Lobo

No employment information provided

Candidate Statement

I have been a lifelong Monterey County resident, I have left many times but always find myself coming back to where I call home, Seaside, CA. I was fortunate to attend all MPUSD schools from Prek-12th grade. As an athlete I was the first woman to play American Football on the Seaside Raiders pop warner team and then at Seaside high school all four years. Once I completed my time at MPUSD I went off to Cal State Northridge on a track scholarship to pursue higher education. Upon my return I was elated to see so many familiar faces still here locally…...

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I believe in the advancement of women in politics. Including positions of power to demonstrate the unwavering dedication and knowledge women have to provide in these spaces. Creating equitable spaces in politics for women is essential. I hope to accomplish this by being the first Afro Latina woman to become Mayor in the city of Seaside and begin a new chapter of leadership for Seaside.

At the time of application this candidate does not have a website.


Candidate (incumbent): Ian Oglesby

Peace Office, Retired
Seaside Mayor

Candidate Statement

As a dedicated leader with over 22 years of public service experience, I am committed to championing women’s rights, gender equity, and economic justice. My focus is on creating a sustainable and thriving Seaside by expanding affordable housing, generating local jobs with livable wages, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all residents. I believe that empowering women and families is essential to building a strong, inclusive community. Together, we can promote economic development, protect our environment, and advance these shared values, making Seaside a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and flourish.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the endorsement of the Democratic Women of Monterey County because I firmly believe in and support the core principles that your organization stands for. I am committed to advocating for women’s rights, including the right to control their own bodies, ensuring equal pay, and promoting gender equity. I share your vision of a sustainable and just society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive. Your endorsement would be a powerful affirmation of our shared values, and together, we can continue to make significant progress toward equality and justice for all women in our community.


Seaside City Council
(select up to two or no endorsement)


Candidate (Incumbent): Alexis Garcia-Arrazola

Seaside Councilmember

candidate statement

Over the past four years, I’ve had the privilege of serving Seaside and making it stronger together. We’ve made significant strides, including investing in small businesses, revitalizing infrastructure, and preserving historic parks. We’ve launched a paid internship program with local universities and improved community safety with new technology and emergency response capabilities. Our focus on mental health and community support addresses crime root causes and aids vulnerable residents. A climate action plan has been introduced to enhance environmental resiliency, and for the first time in 20 years, new housing development is underway to tackle our housing crisis. With your support, we’ll continue building a thriving Seaside.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the endorsement of the Democratic Women of Monterey County to affirm our shared commitment to progressive values and community progress. As a lifelong resident of Seaside, my dedication to the Democratic Party and our local community is unwavering.

I’ve championed women’s rights by introducing and successfully declaring Seaside a safe haven for reproductive freedom, fought for LGBTQ+ representation, prioritized education, and ensured diverse community inclusion in local government. I also introduced a climate action plan for environmental resiliency, and supported new housing development, addressing our housing crisis.

The endorsement of the Democratic Women of Monterey County would not only honor these accomplishments but also support the ongoing work needed to unite and advance our shared values. Together, we can continue building a stronger, inclusive Seaside.

Thank you for your consideration.


Candidate (Incumbent): David Pacheco

Retired/Current City Councilperson

Candidate Statement

As a lifelong Seaside resident and former city employee with 36 years of service, I am honored to represent our community. Over the last three terms, I've led with an independent voice, prioritizing residents' needs and enhancing Seaside's quality of life. My focus has been on creating good-paying jobs, improving public safety, upgrading parks, paving streets, and expanding affordable housing, all while protecting our environment. I believe in action through participation, preparation, and communication, always putting Seaside residents first. My commitment to Seaside's future guides every decision I make, ensuring our city's continued growth and success.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the endorsement of the Democratic Women of Monterey County because, over the last three terms serving the City of Seaside, I have consistently championed the causes that matter most to women and families in our community. Our shared commitment to equity, social justice, and the empowerment of all residents, particularly women and marginalized groups, has driven my work in advocating for accessible housing, healthcare, and educational resources in Seaside. Your endorsement would not only reinforce the progress we've made together but also strengthen our resolve to continue pushing for policies that uplift and protect the women of Seaside and beyond.