Candidates for
Special District Boards

Below are the candidates’ statements (not to exceed 100 words), explanation of why they are seeking the DWMC Endorsement, and link to their candidate website.

In cases where there are two or more candidates seeking the same seat as well as seeking the DWMC endorsement, we have interviewed the candidates. Each interview was conducted separately. Candidates were not given the questions in advance.


** PLEASE NOTE: Candidates Statements which exceeded the 100-word limit submission requirement were shortened by putting a stop at that limit while doing our best to allow for the completion of the thought. The remaining additional words have not been included and have been replaced by an ellipse (…).

Monterey Peninsula Airport District Board, District 1 Candidate:
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Jonathan Ahmadi

Senior Project Manager, Yellow Brick Consulting, Inc.

Candidate Statement

Our community deserves to be represented by honest and accountable leaders with experience and passion for public service. I know how to do this job. I partner with hospitals undergoing expansions and facilitate successful activations of new facilities. As District Representative for a Congresswoman, I connected the needs of my community to Washington D.C. I’ve served on a nonprofit board that provided resources for veterans.

My degree is in aeronautical engineering. I want to ensure the upcoming construction project for a new terminal goes smoothly, prioritize investment in our community by hiring local tradespeople, and foster community engagement.

I hope to continue my effort to affect positive change in my community…

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I am seeking the DWMC endorsement because I believe strongly in your platform rooted in equality, justice, and sustainability. I believe that I can make a difference for people in my community by representing those who have traditionally not had a voice on the Airport District Board. Your endorsement would help voters understand my shared values.



Monterey Peninsula Airport District Board, District 3 Candidate:
(select yes or no endorsement)



Retired Businessman
Retired/Previously Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula

Candidate Statement

I envision a thriving airport district that harmonizes progress with community well-being:  Enhanced Facility: I am in support of adding the new terminal, ensuring safety, efficiency, and a positive traveler experience. Reviewing the Noise and Safety Policies will be one of my priorities. Economic Growth: Gradual, organized and well-balanced growth that will benefit local infrastructure, businesses and residents alike. Citizen Committee: Transparency is paramount—I advocate for a true Citizen Committee to actively involve the public in decision-making. This committee must include representatives from neighboring cities, such as council members, neighborhood representatives, MPAD board members and staff, as well as a FAA spokesperson…

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

Your endorsement will give me more credibility for my campaign and signal voters that I align with the DWMC’s value and priorities. To build trust with voters, since I am new in running for office and promote gender equality, environmental sustainability, and community engagement.



Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Director, Division 3 Candidate
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate: Rebecca R. Lindor

Certified Paralegal/Law Office Manager

Candidate Statement

Born and raised in California, I know our most precious resource is water. Water should not be a for-profit commodity. We have some of the most expensive water in California and it is currently owned by a private for-profit corporation. The only way to bring the cost down is through a public, municipally owned water system. As mandated by the voters in Measure J (2018) MPWMD is pursuing the buyout of Cal Am. The court proceeding has already begun. I look forward to working with the MPWMD Board of Directors to make our water supply affordable, sustainable, and publicly owned.

Why are you seeking the DWMC Endorsement?

I believe DWMC will be vital in helping me win this seat on behalf of the people of Monterey County.

This candidate does not have a website at the time of application submission.



Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Director, Division 5 Candidate:
(select yes or no endorsement)


Candidate (Incumbent): Amy Anderson

Retired biologist and musician

Candidate Statement

I am a 29-year resident of the Peninsula, and have served on the Board of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) since 2020. As the Division 5 Director, I have worked with my colleagues toward the shared goal of an affordable, environmentally responsible, reliable, and sustainable water supply on the Peninsula. Because our current privately owned water company California American Water (Cal Am) continues to provide the Monterey Peninsula with some of the highest cost water in the country, the public put the Measure J initiative on the ballot in 2018 - it passed by a comfortable majority…

Why are you seeKing the DWMC Endorsement?

I think it is important to get support from the Democratic Women of Monterey County. I am a charter member and I am proud of that. The DWMC is a well-respected organization in the county, and many people look to the DWMC to find out who they are supporting.

This candidate does not have a website at the time of application submission.